

Storyteller Contact Information
Brother Wolf Storytelling
Eric James Wolf, P.O. Box 711, Yellow Springs, Ohio. 45387
(937) 767-8696

Some overseas storytellers and storytelling presenters have found email to be blocked by spam filters. If you wish, you can also reach me in a few days at My yahoo storytelling email at ericwolf2 figure it out.

View Eric Wolf's profile on LinkedIn The Fan page for Brother Wolf on Facebook Twitter link for the twitter crqazed.

About the podcast

The Art of Storytelling show began in the spring 2007 as Brother Wolf sought a way to support the art form world-wide. Every couple of weeks he posts a new interviews on the podcast. Each guest covers a different aspect of the art of storytelling. The interviews are conducted in person or in a conference call format which anyone is welcome to participate on the call. You are welcome to join a call or just listen online, use iTunes, or your podcasting software. If you like what you hear, write a comment on the related post on the blog. It really fuels the guests and the host.

Download a One-sheet PDF on the Show

To listen to a past shows right now go to the Storytelling Podcast Episode List

About Brother Wolf, the host of the podcast

Eric Wolf was awarded an Oracle Award for Distinguished Service to the National Storytelling Community in 2010 for his work on the podcast. This Oracle award is the highest award given by the storytelling community to those who have worked to support the art of storytelling nation wide.

Eric James Wolf Eric James Wolf was born three minutes after the taxi arrived at a New York City hospital on January 20th, 1970. He has attended numerous educational institutions, both public and private, graduating with a BA in Human Ecology from College of the Atlantic for which his senior project was storytelling. His experience has included an apprenticeship with a professional storyteller. He completed an M.S. in Environmental Education from Lesley University – sister school to Harvard.

He has been telling stories since 1993 for compensation – but his first public performance was at the age of 8 when his sister told her teacher that he was a good storyteller. The kindergarten teacher proceeded to nod knowingly and invited him to tell a story to her class. Little did she know – 20 minutes later, with the lights turned low, Eric finished telling, “The Old Man in the Shack.” Then the fifteen parents lined up out side were finally able to pick up their children.

Brother Wolf tells multiple genres: modern fairy tales, morality tales, peace stories, historical characterizations and personal tall tales. These stories all have one common theme to them – they teach children to have a magical, mystical and imaginative world view. If you know of some children who need a little re-imagining, please let him know.

He travels world-wide. If you are interested in learning more about his storytelling voice and work, check out one of the pages listed on the bottom of the page or in the middle of the page on the right.

Here is a list of a few places he has told stories around the world…

A Few Venues Smithsonian in Washington D.C. Albany Free School, Antioch School, American Museum of Natural History, Bank Street School for Children, Bar Harbor YMCA, Maine, Barnard Collage, Blue Theater – Toronto, Canada, Community Access Foundation, Columbia University, Dayton Islamic Elementary, Eco Festival, Frost Valley YMCA camp,
The Fund for the City of New York, Hasting on Hudson Grade School. Kings Island Amusement Park, Our Lady Rose Elementary, Macy School,New York City Clear Water Festival, Mid-Hudson Museum of Natural History, New Jersey Liberty Science Center, PS. 75 Elementary School, WBAI Craft Fair, Toronto Blue Theater, 90.7 WJSC RADIO Straight Truth, 99.5 FM WBAI Radio Morning Show

Eric James Wolf

To learn more about Brother Wolf – please check out his professional storytelling site.


  • By jan andrews, July 27, 2007 @ 1:30 pm

    Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed meeting you in St. Louis. You mentioned the podcasts. I’d definitely be interested. Here’s to long, long stories. Best, Jan

  • By Norah Dooley, August 12, 2007 @ 2:04 pm

    What a treasure trove of information, inspiration and great conversation.
    Eric, I am so glad I found this.
    Where have I been?

    Keep the spirit high.
    And I hope our paths cross soon.

    Norah Dooley

  • By Roland Watier, October 5, 2007 @ 8:37 pm


    I would love to join you for your podcast, and to invite you to tell your stories at the Golden Raven Storytelling in Union, Maine next summer. I think you would be a great addition to our storytellers!

    Roland Watier

  • By Tom McCormack, October 8, 2007 @ 4:42 pm


    I’d like to participate.

    All The Best ~ Tom

  • By Eric Wolf, October 8, 2007 @ 6:14 pm

    Tom & Roland
    You are both welcome to participate on the podcast as audience members on the conference call. If you or anyone else wants to participant on the podcast all you have to do is go to the home page of this site and fill in your name and email. I will send you weekly instructions on how to join the call with times and guest.

    If you wish to be the featured guest on the podcast I would suggest that you write a proposal email to me. My email address is on the right hand side of this web page on the bottom. My first question to you will be – have you listened to the show? If you answer is no – don’t be surprised by my lack of interest in you proposal. Look at the list of past/future guests and subjects – it’s a good indication of what subject I want to cover – in the future.

    Thank-you for your interest.

    Eric Wolf

  • By R. Ramachandran, April 1, 2008 @ 2:35 am


  • By R. Ramachandran, June 18, 2008 @ 5:41 am

    Could you help us do this. Thanks

  • By Karol Brown, November 8, 2008 @ 5:25 pm

    Hello Eric,
    I want to thank you for your podcast and all the great guest you have interviewed. I am listing to the podcast on using the internet taped live at the NSN conference. Great information. Please add my website link to your list and I will and your address to mine. Do you offer coaching on storytelling?
    I live in Washington State, but my home town is Dayton, Ohio. We, my husband and I will be in Dayton next month, November and I would like to talk to you. We are going to perform our program in Dayton, and I would like to invite you to attend. I do a historical portrayal of Harriet Tubman. I have learned so much from you, I would appreciate your feedback on our program. Again thank you for your podcast.

    Take care,

    Karol Brown

  • By J. Seaquist, March 14, 2009 @ 4:27 pm

    I’ve been working on an essay for my Eng. 102 class. From a list of approved topics, I chose fairy tales, deciding that I would expore their origins, meanings, and practicality in today’s world. Satisfies with my topic, I headed for the local library to grab a few books.

    Now, when I say a few, I mean…there were two shelves in the reference section and none of the books were the ones I was looking for. Well, okay, I found Tolkien’s Tree and Leaf, but I couldn’t find anything by Zipes, and a few hurried cell phone calls from the library parking lot to every bookstore in town gave me nothing either.

    The internet has been slightly more helpful, but, with all the websites out there discecting peices of literature, I had assumed there would be more. There isn’t.

    That’s why I’m so thrilled to have found this place. I’m sure that helping college freshman wasn’t really the goal when this was set up, but I wanted you to know that you’re helping even those of us who aren’t storytellers.



  • By Eric, July 28, 2010 @ 12:46 am

    From one Eric to another ;o)

    I’ve always been interested in storytelling for almost as long as I can remember but I kind of lost sight of it until I discovered podcasts; yours as well as a number of others.

    I’ve been using storytelling in my ministry for years but had not really named it as such until I began following these podcasts. Now two years later and I’m in full swing. I have a great love for fairy tales especially and the shows that you’ve done surrounding that genre have been quite influential.

    One thing I haven’t heard mentioned in your casts is the fact that, for those looking for some of those very classic fairy tales project gutenberg is a fabulous and free source. I have been spending my summer reading through the all of the colored fairy books of Andrew Lang as well as The Grimms and a slew of others. A really wonderful way of getting comfortable with the ‘world’ of the fairy tale.

    for anyone else interested here’s the gutenberg link; http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page

    Peace and God Bless,


  • By Kim Weitkamp, November 11, 2010 @ 8:53 pm

    Hi Eric,

    Just stopping by your site and am always impressed with the great job you are doing gathering great tellers and great information. Keep up the good work.

  • By Brother Wolf, November 17, 2010 @ 4:12 pm

    Thanks Kim

    I for one have been most impressed with your metoric rise in the storytelling world – I have been taking notes…

    All the Best

    Brother Wolf

  • By Kirill P. Gopius, May 3, 2011 @ 4:17 am

    Hello to you dear storytellers of a faraway land!

    I am Kirill P. Gopius, a big fan of storytelling as well as the head of the Center of Applied Knowledge «Prime Life Education» in Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

    I found your resource on the internet and, like a lonely sailor, shipwrecked and stuck on an uninhabited island, I am sending you a message in a bottle. I hope that you at least will read it and, if fortune smiles upon me, swim out and save me from my solitude.

    Russia is a very unique, isolated country; it merely observes the important business and cultural processes, that take place in the civilized world. However, there is a positive side to this. For example, this gives us the opportunity to analyze the experience of others and to avoid their mistakes.

    This is certainly true when we speak about the situation with the market of storytelling in Russia. While in the western world storytelling is a big industry, in Russia only few have ever heard of it and even fewer realize how it can be used in the modern world.

    I am convinced that the development of the Digital Storytelling industry shows the degree of civilization of society. In the 21th century Digital Storytelling is plays a key role in plenty of opportunities just as cinema does in this precious century. Strange as it may seem, the storyteller, standing alone in the space of a digital file can have a more profound influence on the audience than famous train of the Lumiere brothers or expensive Avatar.

    I am writing a long letter because I have plenty of time being on an uninhabited island without any company.?

    So, dear friends, storytellers, over 6 years I have been working in the field of storytelling and my aim is to tell people about storytelling and to teach them how to use it. For that reason I have founded the Center of Applied Knowledge «Prime Life Education». I have spent 6 years trying to involve the youth in St.-Petersburg and Moscow in the testing of an experimental educational model.
    Young people have certain skills and abilities; they can make photos and video clips, create stories, chat with friends, surf the Web and social networks, travel and participate in all kinds of cultural and entertainment events, etc. In «Prime Life Education» they learn how to use this wealth of knowledge to earn money, raise their social status and contribute to the overall prosperity of society. The concept of the Center is “applied knowledge“. And of course it is impossible without storytelling as well as without another important component of modern marketing – event management (courses of which are also available in the Center).

    I hope that the Storytelling Festival, the first in Russia, is going to demonstrate the potential of creating and telling digital and oral stories and how this potential can be used in the development of Russian society. According to my plan this is also going to be the stage for storytellers of our Center as well as invited performers and authors.

    It is my heart’s desire to give people information about storytelling and the chance to meet people who have been participating in the practice for many years. I mean you. I want people to experience the unforgettable impressions of listening to your stories, as told by your storytellers.

    Could you please let me know on which terms you would be willing to participate in our festival? I would be also very pleased if you shared with me the experience of running such an event. In the end, just your support is a thing of great importance for me…

    I am standing on the shore, waiting for an answer and encouragement. I can feel the silence on my island, but I believe, that soon the voices of thousands of storytellers will break it, perhaps thanks to you.

    And like John the Baptist I tell you – storytelling will come! And people’s hearts will open to the good, and they will look without disbelief at those who stand near them, and they will see the God in each of them.

    Best regards,
    Storyteller Kirill P. Gopius

    http://www.primelife-edu.com/ Center of Applied Knowledge «Prime Life Education»
    http://storytellingfest.ru/ Storytelling Fest
    http://realmir-gopius.livejournal.com/426108.html Storytelling Project
    http://realmir-gopius.livejournal.com My blog

  • By Willi Paul, June 7, 2011 @ 1:58 pm

    Greetings –

    Sharing eight new myths (based on permaculture):

    Love to come on the show!

    Willi Paul: Publisher, EcoAlchemist
    sacredpermaculture.net, PlanetShifter.com Magazine
    415-407-4688 | willipaul1@gmail.com
    @planetshifter @openmythsource @permasacred

  • By Tanya von Zychlinsky, June 20, 2011 @ 3:16 pm

    Hi Eric,

    I loved the interview I listened to, and intend to listen to the one tomorrow on Quantum Creativity Radio. I have suggested for Samantha of The Delight Makers and Ocean Story Boat to get in touch. The collaboration would be a blessing to all concerned, I feel.

    My stories come in rhyme form, and I am a Painting Poet Performing for Peace. My stories are for the kids – also especially in us so called adults :o)

    Please, enJOY visiting my site and be immersed in Beauty and Love and Wonder and lots of Inspiration and JOYmination.

    It is a pleasure to meet like hearted souls like you, who – like me – keep PAINTING PROSPERITY into this world.

    Much love and laughter to you,
    blessings on all you do and don’t do,

  • By Tanya von Zychlinsky, June 20, 2011 @ 3:19 pm

    PS Feel free to explore my webhome paintingprosperity.com
    and Thank you for sharing your gift of story telling with the world …

  • By Elizabeth Blackwell, December 4, 2011 @ 4:03 pm

    Your website about storytelling is awesome, which is only one of its kind, that reminds me of a website called papakali.com that had innovated a new way of story telling by making the readers themselves contribute their own versions of stories to the already existing tales of the South Sound.

  • By rajagopalan, July 1, 2014 @ 12:47 pm

    send the address of story telling museum

  • By Claudia Rivera, April 27, 2015 @ 7:36 pm

    Hello, my name is Claudia and I work at the Children´s Museum in Tegucigalpa Honduras Central America. We are a non-profit organization and this year the Us Embassy is funding us a storytelling show. That´s why we need to contact you in orden to have all the details of the presentation. Thanks!

  • By w88, July 15, 2016 @ 4:10 am

    I was wondering if you ever thought of changing the layout of your site?
    Its very well written; I love what youve got to say. But
    maybe you could a little more in the way of content so people could connect with it better.
    Youve got an awful lot of text for only having 1
    or 2 images. Maybe you could space it out better?

  • By Grandma Honey (Dr. Patricia Trueblood), February 6, 2017 @ 4:08 pm

    Brother Wolf, do you have other storytellers on your show who tell stories but are not as popular as other. I a professional storyteller. I am also and author of “Grandma Honey’s Storytelling hour” on Amazon and Barns and Nobles, everywhere. I would like to speak with you sometime as I really love telling stories and would like to share them with you and your audience.
    Peace and blessings,

    Dr. Patricia Trueblood
    (Grandma Honey)

Other Links to this Post

  1. The Art of Storytelling with Children » HELP WANTED: Seeking Reviewers to break out Podcast and storytelling movement for main stream! — February 21, 2008 @ 3:03 pm

  2. The Art of Storytelling with Brother Wolf » HELP WANTED: Seeking Reviewers to break out Podcast and storytelling movement for main stream! — February 21, 2008 @ 3:03 pm

  3. The Art of Storytelling iPhone Application — June 20, 2010 @ 4:53 pm

  4. HELP WANTED: Seeking Reviewers to break out Podcast and storytelling movement to main stream! | The Art of Storytelling Show — October 14, 2010 @ 3:26 pm

  5. Four hours of magical storytelling in one night in one magnificent story. | The Art of Storytelling Show — October 14, 2010 @ 4:39 pm

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