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Recently I asked the question on Facebook and elsewhere are you comfortable using the word theatre to sell storytelling events? I liked Mary Grace’s reply and I invite you to think deeply about her application of these ideas. Brother Wolf
Mary Grace Ketner writes… I would not use the word “theatre” itself, but I often use other terms related to theatre, such as “performance” or “stage.” I fear that if a person comes in expecting lights and costumes, it will take them some real readjustment time to appreciate what is actually going on in a room where one person, dressed pretty much like everyone else, is standing up and holding a microphone. And there may not be enough “readjustment time” for that, anyway. What I like about opera, for example, is the set and costumes and drama. 4 people standing there singing in Italian doesn’t usually do it for me, and 10 or 15 minutes is enough of that. Others have also mentioned the misleading expectation of a particular repeated script (perhaps a famous, well-traveled one that can be compared with a version one’s friends saw or that one has seen before) and the fourth wall: actors talking to each other as though no one were watching, the audience as peeping Tom.
In preparing storytelling programs, even something like a local Tellabration!, I have found that many storytellers do not like to Read more »
The Question that we must ask ourselves is if storytelling is so amazing why are more storytelling events not filled with sold out venues?
In today’s internet based world – community, human connection and personal narrative are highly valued and desperately needed in the United States. Modern performers who can successfully and repeatedly bring these values to the stage are loved by audiences everywhere. All of these values are part of a successful storytelling event
Inside the community of storytellers we use the word storytelling to describe what we do. I would suggest that the use of this word “Storytelling” to sell our art form to potential audiences of 1st time attendees outside of our community is both counterproductive and self-sabotaging. Successful storytelling is many things – Read more »
Press Play to hear Storyteller Tim Ereneta talks about how he brought Storytelling to the Fringe on the Art of Storytelling with Brother Wolf.
Tim Erenta writes… Here’s the best thing about a storytelling performance in a Fringe Festival: I don’t have to wait to be discovered. I don’t have to worry about offending my host with my material. The stories that I want to tell, whether they are sacred or profane, personal or traditional: it’s all up to me. I get to decide what I want to put onstage. Such artistic freedom is exhilarating.
Here’s the worst thing about storytelling performance in a Fringe Festival: the audience gets to decide what show they want to see. The stories that I want to tell: there is no guarantee that audiences will want to hear them.
Bio: Katharine (Kathy) Hansen, Ph.D., creative director and associate publisher of Quintessential Careers, is an educator, author, and blogger who provides content for Quintessential Careers, edits its newsletter QuintZine, and blogs about storytelling at A Storied Career. Kathy, who earned her PhD from Union Institute & University authored Tell Me About Yourself (April 2009), Dynamic Cover Letters for New Graduates, A Foot in the Door, Top Notch Executive Interviews (fall 2009), Top Notch Executive Resumes; and with Randall S. Hansen, Ph.D., Dynamic Cover Letters, Write Your Way to a Higher GPA, and The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Study Skills.
1.What is Storytelling? and why are you interested in it?
I am among the storytelling fans who do not like to be boxed in by a specific definition of “story” or “storytelling.” I’ve found in the more than 57 interviews I’ve conducted with storytelling practitioners that most of them, perhaps surprisingly, prefer not to define “storytelling.” (However, a few feel a strict definition is vitally important.) Of the definitions offered by the practitioners who prefer to define story/storytelling, I’ve liked some more than others. One of my favorites is: “Story is context.”
I think I have been interested in storytelling for most of my life, but I didn’t really recognize the passion until I began my Read more »
Press Play to hear Ben Nind speaking on how Storytelling is Essential to Community Health and Life on the Art of Storytelling with Brother Wolf.
Storytelling Is Essential to Community Health and Life.
Do we really have to justify why this is so? Are we so removed from ourselves as purveyors of stories that we actually need to rationalize, in some manner or form – why storytelling is essential? This is an odd question because it means that I have to somehow divorce story from the human experience and that is an impossible task.
The glue that holds all of the pieces together is story past, present and future. Read more »