
Category: Street Storytelling

Tejumola Ologboni – Walking the Talk with Street Storytelling.

Press Press Play to hear Brother Wolf speak with Tejumola Ologboni on Walking the Talk with Street Storytelling.

Press Play to hear Brother Wolf speak with Tejumola Ologboni on Walking the Talk with Street Storytelling.

Tejumola Ologboni – Walking the Talk with Street Storytelling

A little more on the Artist…

Teju of Milwaukee, Wisconsin is a master storyteller and folklorist of international renown. He draws listeners into stories with gestures and movements, and sometimes with music made on traditional Africa instruments. Some of his stories are filled with Read more »

Using the Google Story Tool

Can you tell a story in seven lines – I took the challenge tell me what you think?

My interest here is how we as artists can use this tool to represent our ideas and vision.

One of Googles media reps invited me to work on this tool and in all Read more »

Obituary for Brother Blue

Brother Blue, aka Hugh Morgan Hill, died peacefully at home on November 3, 2009 at the age of 88. An internationally renowned storyteller, mentor to hundreds, inspiration to thousands and beloved husband of Ruth Edmonds Hill, Brother Blue’s life exemplified his passionate belief that telling and listening to stories changes the world. His stories have changed the worlds of everyone who heard him.

Brother Blue was born in Cleveland, Ohio on July 12, 1921. An exceptional student, he served in the Read more »

Get the Inside Track on Storytelling…

Would you like to be a part of a storytelling conference call that supports you in your use of storytelling? If so, then enter your name and email address and you will receive personal invitations to participate in The Art of Storytelling with Brother Wolf Conference call or anything else about the show…

Share your thoughts on the call, connect with old time storytellers and ask questions to experts in the field.

I will not share or give away your email address.

And don’t forget to subscribe by iTunes or your browser to the Art of Storytelling Podcast so you can get bi-weekly inspirations from Brother Wolf direct to your desktop.

Dale Gilbert Jarvis – How to collect true scary stories for Halloween.

Fill out the form and press play to hear Dale Gilbert Jarvis speak on how to collect true scary stories for Halloween on the Art of Storytelling with Brother Wolf.

Dale Jarvis storyteller in costume in the Catacombs. width=
Dale Jarvis in the Flesh.

Tired of the tin sound?
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Interview #064
Dale Gilbert Jarvis

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How to collect true scary stories for Halloween.

Dale Jarvis Writes
Near to where I live is a small lake with the delightfully ghoulish
name of Deadman’s Pond. According to local legend, the pond is bottomless, and I’m sure many people know of similar stories for lakes near where they live. These lakes and ponds offer us tantalizing doorways to another realm. Peering into the reflective surface of a still body of water and wondering what lies beneath provides us with a link to the unexplained. Perhaps this is why they fascinate us. It is not so much that we think they actually are bottomless, but that part of us wishes that they might be.

So too with ghost stories. I’ve told ghost stories to literally thousands of people over the past 13 years, and they continue to be Read more »

Storytelling in The Street at Festivals and as Outdoor Theater and Storytelling With Magic.

Joshua Safford Storyteller ad entertaier at festivals

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Interview #054 Joshua Safford

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Telling to the street – magic for eye.

Joshua Safford writes…
I’m looking forward to discussing with Eric what it means to be a street Storyteller as well as the fusion between magic and storytelling. While I have performed in theaters, schools, cafe’s and more traditional storytelling venues, I most commonly perform for people under trees, in fields and on corners. This is actually a more traditional means of performing storytelling back when storytellers worked in the marketplace in the street or would travel from home to home singing for their supper. Largely I do this in the context of a Renaissance or fantasy festival but I have, in the past, taken it upon myself to just do storytelling in the modern street.

Why work in this storytelling fashion? Well for one it breaks the third wall in a very special way. One can actually reach out and touch ones audience members, clink mugs and adjust ones programming according to their expressions. Certainly this can be done in a theater but one gains a greater sense of control through a cluster instead of a crowd. And storyteller can pay greater individual attention to the storytellers audience. The storyteller can also judge them more effectively when storytelling with a tighter lens so to speak.

Picking the right story for an individual that you meet in passing can be very powerful. One is also afforded a greater Read more »

David Epley – On the Power and Responsibility of Comedy: My lil’l Soapbox

Fill out the form and press play to hear David B. Epley on storytelling with comedy on the Art of Storytelling with Brother Wolf.

Doktor Kaboom (David Epiley) the great Kaboom him self.

Tired of the tin sound?
Purchase a HQ Mp3 File of
Interview #047 David Epley
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Comedy and Storytelling.

David Epley writes…
Comedy is one of the most effective tools for imparting any information:

  • It actively involves the audience; laughter is not passive.
  • It encourages the audience to focus on the process; you must pay attention to the setup in order to get the punch line.
  • It makes the process fun.

All of these aspects conspire to make an event, an individual, or a particular subject
matter, more memorable. Think of your favorite Teacher, Storyteller, Pastor, Politician, Actor, Choreographer, et cetera, and you will see the truth of what I’m saying. Comedy can be used to educate, to alleviate tension, to Read more »

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