– I want to hire a storyteller, are you available?
– I want a quote for your services or How much do you charge?
– You changed the name of your show – what’s the deal?
– How do I find episode x?
– iTunes is not showing all the episodes.
– Would you interview me?
– I should be on your show.
– Loved your site, but you misspelled x.
– or too bad about all the typos.
– You misspelled x.
– I don’t own an ipod – how can I listen to the Podcast?
– How do I use iTunes?
– How do I download iTunes?
– I am having problems with receiving or signing up for one of your email courses or email alerts.
– What is your blog feed?
– What is your Podcast feed?
– Please Link to my website at… or Please trade links with me.
I want to hire a storyteller, are you available?
or I can’t find your contact info.
Yes, thanks for asking!
Brother Wolf Storytelling
Eric James Wolf
P.O. Box 711
Yellow Springs, Ohio. 45387
(937) 767-8696
There is an email link to contact me directly on the bottom of the right hand index. Some overseas storytellers and storytelling presenters have found email to be blocked by spam filters. If you wish, you can also reach me at ericwolf2@yahoo.com.
Can you send me a flyer or other materials?
Here is a link to a PDF to a simple menu of my story material.
I want a quote for your services or How much do you charge?
In state with in 150 miles of area code 45387 – $175 to$800 depending on your ability to pay number of people and nature of gig.
Out of state with $1400 min with $1000 to $2000 a day again depending on who you are and what you want to accomplish. Also check air fare from Dayton, Ohio to your location.
I would be happy to give you a quote. I need to know the following information: distance traveled, days performing, population served and types of stories requested.
You changed the name of your show – what’s the deal?
Yep – too many potential listeners were turned off by the old title – hence the name change. Thanks for noticing.
How do I find episode x?
Click on the past show link on the top of the page then choose the posting from that page “when you arrive on the page, press the play button.
or Click on The Art of Storytelling Podcast Episode list in the post categories list in the center of the right hand index.
or click on the Archived Show Link on the top right of the page.
iTunes is not showing all the episodes.
Sorry to say that iTunes does not do everything. The rss file that iTunes reads has to be under a certain size and so as the show has grown I have been forced to only list the more recent shows. If you want to listen to an older show you will have to go through the website.
Some people have been unsubscribed by iTunes – here is apple explaining there rules for unsubscribing users:
Automatic Unsubscribe
iTunes automatically unsubscribes from a podcast if the following conditions are both met:
1. The user has not played any episode downloaded in the past 5 updates (there may be more than one episode downloaded per update.
2. More than 5 days have elapsed since an episode was played.
Would you interview me? Or I should be on your show.
Well, yes. Somebody should interview you, but I have a great list of guests I am excited about interviewing for the show. If you are interested in working with media, here is my cheat sheet for connecting with any media person.
Eric’s short list of getting written about, talked to or invited onto a blog, magazine or podcast.
1) Write that person and tell them you liked x about their finished material. Do not offer negative feedback of any kind.
2) Check and see if they have a blog and leave a comment about what you read on the blog.
3) Wait a week and write that person a 2nd time telling them what you liked about the work they are doing.
4) Leave another comment about what you read on the blog.
5) If you have a website, add them to your link page.
If you have a blog, write a post about them and link to their material.
6) Call them a day later and tell them about your most interesting project or performance.
During the conversation I ask them about their upcoming list. (You have read their list of upcoming guests, haven’t you?) After listening to them talk about their passion, suggest a marriage of passion into a show/article/blog posting about your passion or project.
7) Send them a note thanking them for being on the show. I have had 125 guests to date with 5 thank-you notes.
Loved your site, but you misspelled x and it turned me off or too bad about all the typos.
Well! if this means that you are volunteering to edit my future written work GREAT! Honestly though, I get really tired of people pointing out to the dyslexic guy that he mis-spelled whatever. If I were blind you, wouldn’t tell me my taste in shoes sucked and that my clothes didn’t match.
Loved your site, – you misspelled x.
Thanks “for skipping the guilt trip please feel free to send me any misspelling or grammar issue you see.
I don’t own an ipod – how can I listen to the Podcast?
An ipod is only necessary to listen to the show away from your computer and you can also use various mp3 players as well.
To listen to the show right now…
1) Click on the big green button to the right on the top of the sidebar that says internet radio and choose a show from the archived list or…
2) Roll your mouse down the home page and press one of the big play buttons or…
3) Click on the Archive link on the top of the page then choose the posting from that page, when you arrive on the page, press the play button.
4) Search the site using the google tool for your storytelling subject of choice.
How do I use iTunes?
First, you have to have iTunes program on your computer.
Here is a link to download iTunes. Once iTunes is loaded, then restart you computer and connect to the internet via a high speed connection.
Go to this website and click on the little green button near the top right page of the website or this button here –
This should open iTunes on your computer and open The Art of Storytelling with Brother Wolf Show episode list. Click the subscribe button to subscribe and receive automatic updates downloaded to your computer.
Finally, in iTunes on the right hand side of the control panel, open the podcast list. You should see The Art of Storytelling with Brother wolf listed as your podcast.
You will notice a little sidewise black triangle right next to the name. If you click on that triangle, the entire episode list will open up. Now you can choose which episodes to download at your convenience.
How do I download iTunes?
Click here to go to the apple store and download a free copy.
I am having problems with receiving or signing up for one of your email courses or email alerts.
Try reading our email solutions page.
What is your blog feed?
What is your Podcast feed?
Please Link to my website at…
or Please trade links with me.
While I am overcome by your kind offer of spirit I must decline. Guests on my show can receive a link to their website on the page of their posts because they are guests. The suggestions section of my blog links are all people who have directly effected my life long work as a storyteller. If you wish to have a your own link from my site here are three excellent ways to do that.
1) Write a Comment after listening to an entire a show and then write a real – fully thought out comment and include your website in the comment. Presto – instant link to your website from mine!!! Feel free to repeat this – please remember you must – must write a unique, kind, on point and original comment each time.
2) Write a 700 to 2000 word article relating to storytelling with children and offer it to me for free with all internet publications rights. Wow a link – no problem. Maybe you might want to check with me about the topic first.
3) Sponsor an Event – a dinner, a festival or a just a show for the podcast like iTales did.
If this FAQ list did not answer your question please leave a comment below to let me know.
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By Harvey Heilbrun, January 2, 2008 @ 8:38 pm
Love your padcasts, just found out about them. The few I’ve listened to so far have been very helpful.
Just a note: your latest one about Empowering teachers to use storytelling with Elizabeth Rose, can’t be downloaded for some reason, either on your site or through i-Tunes. I’d appreciate if if that could be fixed. As a retired teacher who tried to get storytelling into my teaching, I would love to hear her thoughts on the subject.
By Brother Wolf, January 8, 2008 @ 11:57 am
Sorry about that – i fixed it. Posted the mp3 file in the wrong place.
Write a comment if you like the episode.
By Harvey Heilbrun, January 26, 2008 @ 8:36 pm
Looking forward to listening to it. However, I just found your site, so I have a lengthy backlog of past interviews to go through. Not quite sure when I’ll get to this one. You’re doing a great job. As a relatively new storyteller it is somewhat humbling to see how far I have to yet to go. But I’m sticking with it.
Side note: I have your podcasts linked to i-tunes. I get all of them as they are released. Is there a way to RSS feed your Blog so I can get your blog entries also on my RSS feeder. I can do it on my blog, http://www.hdhstory.net/Storyblog so wondered if yours had that capability. It seems I can only get an RSS feed on the comments section of the individual entries on yours.
By Brother Wolf, January 26, 2008 @ 10:35 pm
Here is the Blog feed. If you click on the little orange button inside the URL box on the top of the page you can choose witch blog feeds you want to read.
Here is the main RSS feed for the blog.
By stu mendelson, January 28, 2009 @ 12:26 am
HI Brother Wolf,
Love your site and the podcasts. Great work. Keep it up!
I was wondering if there is a way to download older podcast. On Itunes, they only have 15 episodes. I would like to down load some of the older ones I missed so I can listen to them when I have time.
Let me know how if there is a way (I use mac, but have PC access also)
By Lynnie Mirvis, February 9, 2009 @ 9:47 pm
I want to be part of your site!
Lynnie Mirvis
By Philip Chadwick, October 16, 2011 @ 5:31 pm
My wife and I enjoyed Jonesborough greatly. There is a Kia dealership in Nashville, Tn. doing a take off on your deer hunting story for an advertizement. His wife meets him coming out of the house dressed in camo and she asks “Where are you going?” He replies he is going hunting. The next scene is a deer mount in the driver’s seat saying “I got one.” The next scene is him on top of a car tied down and saying, “I thought it was deer season.” Just wondering if you had given permission for him to use it?